Wednesday, July 11, 2012

My impact on the environment and what I can do about it.

I have heard that by the year 2030, there will be twice as much demand as supply as far as natural resources go.  That is very scary.  I will most likely be alive to witness this and surely my children will. What sort of world will that be for them?  What sort of lessons and values will I have taught them to prepare for such a change?  I suppose that it would be wise to start now!  I must teach them that the earth was given to us by God to cherish and be grateful for.  Teach them that the earth is to be respected and treated with dignity and love.  That STUFF does not lead to happiness, but action does.  I would like to challenge myself over the next year.  I would like to come up with ways, tips and challenges to condition my own heart, mind and body to cherish only love.  Love for myself and my kids, love for my God, and love for my home...the planet earth.  I would like my children to know that their mother was a warrior for Love.  That she was not afraid to have no money, no fancy things, no "creature comforts" in order to be rich and abundant in love!  I am not sure what my challenge will be.  I suppose it would be smart to start small and work my way up.  I would like to not buy anything that I do not absolutely need for one year.  Now this is going to be difficult, but I would like to do it.  I will be back soon with more detail once I set up my own set of rules.  I would like to see what it is like NOT to contribute to the evil economic system.  To be a part of the solution.  To make a poignant vote with my only real democratic tool, my dollar.  In doing this I hope that I will be less wasteful, more thoughtful and far more aware.  Now, being a smoker this will be even more of a challenge as that is something that I feel I need sometimes although that is not really the case.  I DO need to feed my family, keep my home and lights, I do use the internet for school, so that might be considered a "need"...Wow, just thinking about this is making me more aware in an instant than I have been my entire life!  Tomorrow, I will assess my impact both environmentally and economically...and then, set the rules for my challenge.  Stay tuned!

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